Spending time in nature & experiencing something larger than ourselves improves our emotional well-being, fosters compassion, & inspires curiosity & creativity. Our health is directly tied to the health of the natural world. Deer Heart Solutions is committed to using plant-based ingredients, decreasing our carbon footprint, & creating innovative solutions toward sustainability.
Spending time in nature & experiencing something larger than ourselves improves our emotional well-being, fosters compassion, and inspires curiosity and creativity. Our health is directly tied to the health of the natural world. Deer Heart Solutions is committed to using plant-based ingredients that are proven safe for us and the earth. We are committed to decreasing our carbon footprint, and creating innovative solutions toward sustainability.
Science is the observation of the natural world. Scientific inquiry is at the heart of all I do. The development of products includes research, trials, and evaluation. I have implemented good manufacturing practices based on international standards for cosmetics labs. Science is integral to developing effective & safe products.
Science is the observation of the natural world. Scientific inquiry is at the heart of all I do. Developing a product requires research, planning, trials, and evaluation and extensive record-keeping. You do not need to be a biochemist developing new cosmeceuticals to engage in scientific rigor. Anyone creating cosmetics for sale has a duty to implement the highest standards and best practices to ensure their products are effective and safe.
Perfumery is both science & art. Natural elements & chemistry are tools for my creative expression. Artistry & imagination created each product's unique fragrance & the artwork on each bottle. The aromatic profiles are thought-provoking - so the detail pages for each product include the symbolism that links the aroma & imagery.
Creating a fragrance is both science and art. Natural elements and scientific method become tools for my creative expression. Artistry and imagination extend beyond product development, because I also design the unique artwork for every blend and write the backstory that connects the cosmetic, the fragrance, and the imagery.
Smell is the strongest human sense, though it's perceived the least. The way the olfactory system processes smells & its location next to the limbic system is why essential oils can impact our mood, help us focus, & balance our emotions. Aromatherapy helps me to balance Nature, Science, & Art to create blends that help you find balance in skin, hair & spirit.
Smell is the strongest human sense, though it's perceived the least. The way the olfactory system processes smells and its location next to the limbic system is why essential oils can impact our mood, help us focus, and balance our emotions. Aromatherapy helps me to balance nature, science, and art to create products that can help you find balance in skin, hair, mind, and heart.